SAND Helps DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer Make Business Sense out of Complex Data Set
The mission of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is to enhance the fiscal and financial stability, accountability and integrity of the Government of the District of Columbia. The OCFO is responsible for operating and maintaining a coordinated financial management system to budget, collect, control, and properly account…
SAND Empowers Researchers at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke
The Centre de Recherche Clinique was founded 20 years ago to develop clinical research within the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CRC-CHUS). Researchers conduct research into Immuno-inflammation, Oncology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Digestive Physiopathology, Endocrine Physio-pathology, Osteo-articular Physio-pathology, Pulmonary Physio-pathology, Radiology, Telemedicine and Clinical & Evaluative Research. SAND now allows researchers to…
SAND Delivers Efficient Archival Storage and High-Performance Ad Hoc Analytics at Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) was created in 1993 to provide an integrated approach to Canada’s national investment in people. HRSDC administers programs supporting the income of Canadians and human resources programs linked to the requirements of the national economy and labour market. HRSDC’s programs and services are…