SAND Technology to Offer MicroStrategy for Enhanced Reporting Capabilities
McLean, Va., August 19, 2008 – MicroStrategy® Incorporated (NASDAQ: MSTR), a leading worldwide provider of business intelligence software, today announced that SAND Technology Inc. (OTCBB: SNDTF.OB), an international provider of intelligent data management software and best practices, has entered into an OEM agreement with MicroStrategy. SAND plans to include MicroStrategy software in its data management solutions to provide advanced reporting capabilities to its customers.
SAND Technology enables enterprises to store and retrieve large amounts of granular or historical data in a small footprint by compressing the data into an easy-to-access, searchable data repository. By including MicroStrategy’s business intelligence software, SAND can now offer a broader solution to its customers with seamless reporting functionality. SAND customers will have the ability to access pre-defined MicroStrategy reports to help them gain greater visibility into their large volumes of data and make better business decisions by having the information they need at their fingertips.
“Our customers rely on SAND Technology for cost-effective data management solutions for their vast amounts of data,” said Richard Grondin, Vice President R&D and Product Deployment at SAND Technology. “MicroStrategy is well-suited for our technology and our customers’ reporting requirements. We were impressed with MicroStrategy’s ease of integration and powerful reporting capabilities that are available through a user-friendly Web interface.”
“We are delighted that SAND Technology has selected MicroStrategy to augment its reporting capabilities,” said Sanju Bansal, MicroStrategy COO. “MicroStrategy’s scalable platform enables broad and diverse user populations to report on and analyze very large volumes of granular data.”