Can SAND Nearline for SAP BW help enhance SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator?

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Can SAND Nearline for SAP BW help enhance SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator?

On May 12, 2010, Posted by , In Mike Pilcher, By , With No Comments

###** recently asked if SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator (BWA) costs were worth the benefit, and pointed out alternatives including nearline as part of an ILM strategy.

>”BWA is a necessary ingredient once you reach a certain size but implementing ILM and archiving can dramatically improve query performance. A good strategy is to implement nearline storage first and then decide whether query performance justifies a BWA purchase. Organizations may find they can postpone a BWA purchase, or, when using nearline in conjunction with a BWA, at least reduce the sizing of BWA. […] Plus ongoing storage and administration costs are reduced.”

SAND has accumulated a tremendous amount of customers implementing SAND Nearline for SAP BW solution at customers like Volkswagen Bank, Siemens, and large US government agencies.

In our experience SAND ensures the right data is directly in SAP BW and the data that should be Nearlined is in SAND. This approach enhances SAP BW by improving resource usage, speeding response times, reducing costs and reducing the risks associated with managing large unwieldy data sets.

SAND CDBMS Nearline for SAP BW - Where it fits


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