SAND: Analytic Database Performance

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SAND: Analytic Database Performance

On July 13, 2010, Posted by , In White Papers, With No Comments

SAND’s patented analytic database technology provides the foundation for unparalleled simplicity, flexibility, and performance. SAND’s analytic engine is a highly scalable data management environment, implementing column-oriented, token-based, bit-vector data storage and processing techniques that enable astonishing SQL query performance as well as highly efficient use of standard hardware, network, and human resources. SAND’s Infinite Optimization, which includes effective 100% indexing of data and results in minimization of database administration requirements, is at the core of its “load and go” capabilities, enabling speedy implementation, quick response to changing business require- ments, and fast return on investment for organizations seeking to turn their accumulated corporate data into useful information.

This paper discusses the primary features that distinguish SAND from the conventional, record-oriented data architectures, focusing on the Infinite Optimization enabled by column-orientation, tokenization, and bit-array encoding.

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