itWorldCanada profiles SAND CDBMS V6

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itWorldCanada profiles SAND CDBMS V6

On July 16, 2010, Posted by , In Media, By , With No Comments

itWorldCanada spoke with SAND Chief Operating Officer, Mike Pilcher, about the announcement of SAND CDBMS V6.

>”There are a lot of people talking about massively parallel editions and lots of people talk about the cloud,” said Pilcher, adding that scalability doesn’t factor into the discussion. Customers operating 24/7 at the global level, for instance, will need the ability to shift processing capacity to certain regions at certain times, said Pilcher.

Pilcher also spoke about the continued expansion of enterprise data towards mobile access and cloud architectures:

>“(Overall), it’s all about pushing data out into the ether [while] ensuring it is secure and ensuring despite bandwidth concerns you can still get access to it,” said Pilcher.

Full itWorldCanada article
SAND CDBMS V6 press release
Mike Pilcher’s blog

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