Big Data: Where Hadoop fits
It seems any time any one mentions Big Data on the web these days, the conversation inevitably turns to Hadoop. And why not, there’s a lot of [elephant poop]( and while the [philosophy and approach can be argued](, it’s important to remember that the reason you have so many choices…
The right database for the right job
It would be fantastic if there were only one marvelous multipurpose database to fit each and every job, one super application that was the best at transactions, operations, warehousing, reporting, and analytics, with beautiful eye candy, reality paints a different picture. But in the real world, real users know it…
How denormalization works in a column data store
Denormalized data models provide increased performance and ease of use. Most documentation about denormalization is taken from the view of the row-based data store, not the column-based data store. Row-based data store environments may encounter negative aspects when using denormalization, such as – Using more disk space – Being required…
Why Simple Scalability is the key to Big Data
Everyone is talking about Big Data, the tsunami of information which has been steadily growing and growing as a result of our increasingly digital world. Everything you do these days, from doing driving your car to shopping to watching tv and surfing the web, is now being captured as digital…
What to look for when you’re considering column store
The first item you need to consider is why choose a column store over the standard row databases such as Oracle or DB2, or even the data partitioning varieties such as Teradata or Netezza. ###1. Do you need a column store? Generally, row-oriented architectures are geared towards OLTP-type workloads which,…
3 keys to kickstarting SAP HANA In-Memory Computing
Considering the new SAP HANA (High-Performance Analytic Appliance), in-memory computing platform to improve your database performance and wondering how to get it implemented faster and with lower total cost? here’s what you need to do: 1. **Understand the licensing**. The licensing of the new HANA database is based on data…