SAND CDBMS SQL Reference Guide
SAND CDBMS SQL Database Objects and Language Elements


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Boolean Expressions (Search Conditions)
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Other SAND CDBMS SQL Language Elements


Comments can be included within SQL scripts, either by prefixing a single-line comment with double dashes ( -- comment ) and ending it with a new line; or if the comment spans multiple lines, enclosing it between asterisks enclosed in turn by slashes (/* comment */). Text indicated as being comments will not be processed by SAND CDBMS.


-- This is a single line comment
UPDATE tab1  -- everything on this line after the "--" is ignored
SET col3 = col3 * 10 WHERE col1 > 0;

/* This is the first line of a multiple line comment.
   This is the second line of a multiple line comment.
   This is the third and last line of a multiple line comment. */
-- The following SQL command is executed:
SELECT col3 FROM tab1 WHERE col1 > 0;