SAND CDBMS Administration Guide
The SAND Enterprise Service Scripting Language


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Basic Operations
Chapter Index
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Working with Databases


Working with Instances

Starting and Stopping Instances


The START command starts the specified database instance or Octopus instance.


start [-force] [-quiet] instance-name


-force Suppresses prompts
-quiet Suppresses echoing of program output



The SHUTDOWN command shuts down the specified database instance. For Octopus instances, use the OCTOSHUTDOWN command. In the case of Virtual mode and Time Travel instances, a KEEP CHANGE operation is automatically performed by default. User-name must have DBA privileges in order to execute this command.


shutdown [-force] [-quiet] [-nokeepchange] [-restart] instance-name user-name[/password]


-force Suppresses prompts
-quiet Suppresses echoing of program output
-nokeepchange (Virtual and Time Travel instances only)
Shuts down the instance without performing a KEEP CHANGE operation
-restart Restarts the instance after shutdown



The KILL command terminates the specified database instance or Octopus instance immediately without performing a SHUTDOWN or OCTOSHUTDOWN operation.


kill [-force] [-quiet] instance-name


-force Suppresses prompts
-quiet Suppresses echoing of program output

Displaying Information About Instances


The LSINS command lists the name(s) of and information about one database/Octopus instance, all instances of a specified database, or all instances currently registered with the SAND Enterprise Service.


lsins [-short] [-all] [-noheader] [-autostart] [-cache] [-classes] [-connection] [-deltapath] [-mdfr] [-mdfs] [-nodes] [-octopus] [-port] [-runmode] [-snapshot] [-state] [database-name] [instance-name]


-short Show only instance name and database name
-all (default) Show all information; see descriptions below
-noheader Show information without descriptive headers
-autostart Indicate whether the instance is set to start automatically
-cache (Database instances only)
Show Cache setting for the instance
-classes (Octopus instances only)
Show names of Classes
-connection Show name of the connection used by the instance
-deltapath (Virtual mode and Time Travel instances only)
Show location of the instance's Delta File
-mdfr (Virtual mode and Time Travel instances only)
Show MaxDeltaFileRatio setting for the instance
-mdfs (Virtual mode and Time Travel instances only)
Show MaxDeltaFileSize setting for the instance
-nodes (Octopus instances only)
Show names of Nodes
-octopus Indicate whether the instance is an Octopus instance
-port Show number of port used to connect to the instance
-runmode Show operating mode of the database instance (Real, Virtual, or Persistent) or Octopus instance (Read-Only, Private Update, or Public Update)
-snapshot (Time Travel instances only)
Show number of Snapshot used when starting the instance
-state Show state of the instance (Started or Stopped)
database-name Show information only about instances of the specified core database
instance-name Show information only about the specified instance (note: database-name must also be specified)

Creating an Instance Definition


The MKINS command defines a configuration of startup settings for an instance of a specified database, or an Octopus instance using a specified database. Instance settings are written to a [DATABASE instance-name] or [OCTOPUS instance-name] section of the nucleus.ini file.


mkins [-autostart] [-cache cache-value] [-classes class1[,class2,...]] [-connection connection-name] [-deltapath "path"] [-mdfr maximum-delta-file-ratio] [-mdfs maximum-delta-file-size] [-nodes node1[,node2,...]] [-port port-number] [-runmode [virtual|readonly|private|public]]
[-snapshot [current|n ]] database-name instance-name



If a -runmode setting of readonly, private, or public is specified, the instance will be an Octopus instance. Otherwise it will be a database instance. If no -runmode setting is included, a database instance will be created and set to run in Virtual mode.

For Octopus instances, if -classes is included, it is followed by a list of one or more Class names. If -nodes is included, it is followed by a list of one or more Node names. Multiple names must be separated by commas. If the list of Class names includes any white space, the entire list must be enclosed in quotes.

Octopus Subclass and Node configuration must be performed separately, using the MKSUB and MKNODE commands respectively.

For complete information about configuration parameters for database instances, consult the Nucleus.ini File section of this guide. For information about Octopus configuration parameters, consult the Octopus Administrator's Guide.


-autostart No
-cache 128 (MB)

(Octopus instances only)
One class configured as follows:


-connection host-name:port-number
-deltapath (Virtual and Time Travel instances only)
. (directory of the database-name.n00 file)
-mdfr (Virtual and Time Travel instances only - MaxDeltaFileRatio parameter)
mdfs value is used
-mdfs (Virtual and Time Travel instances only - MaxDeltaFileSize parameter)
Unlimited file size
-nodes (Octopus instances only)
No default
-port Automatically set to next available port
-runmode Virtual

(Octopus and Time Travel instances only)
-1 (current Snapshot)

Modifying an Instance Definition


The SETINS command alters the configuration of the specified database instance or Octopus instance. Instance settings are written to a [DATABASE instance-name] or [OCTOPUS instance-name] section of the nucleus.ini file.


setins [-autostart] [-cache cache-size] [-classes class1[,class2,...]] [-connection connection-name] [-deltapath "path"] [-port port-number] [-mdfr maximum-delta-file-ratio] [-mdfs maximum-delta-file-size] [-nodes node1[,node2,...]] [-runmode [real| virtual| readonly| private| public]] [-snapshot [current | n ]] instance-name


For information about database instance configuration options, consult the Nucleus.ini File section of this guide. For information about Octopus configuration options, see the Octopus Administrator's Guide.


For Octopus instances, -runmode private sets an instance to run in Private Update mode, while -runmode public enables Public Update mode. If -classes is included, it is followed by a list of one or more Class names. If -nodes is included, it is followed by a list of one or more Node names. Multiple names must be separated by commas. If the list of Class names includes any white space, the entire list must be enclosed in quotes.

Octopus Subclass and Node configuration must be performed separately, using the MKSUB and MKNODE commands respectively.

If an option flag is not included, or is included without a parameter value, the current setting for the instance will not be changed.

Deleting an Instance Definition


The RMINS command removes the specified database instance or Octopus instance definition from the system. This command does not affect the core database; it removes the instance name and the configuration of startup settings from the nucleus.ini file.


rmins [-force] [-quiet] instance-name


-force Suppresses prompts
-quiet Suppresses echoing of program output


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Basic Operations
Chapter Index
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Working with Databases