Octopus Administrator's Guide
Octopus Monitoring, Logging, and Statistics


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Using the Octops Program to Determine What Processes are Running on the System
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Octopus Logging


Using the OctoInfo Program

Execute the octoinfo command to display information about one or all currently running Octopus components.
Note that a user name (along with password, if applicable) must be included in the program invocation, unless privilege checking has been disabled by including the SecurityLevel=0 parameter in the relevant [OCTOPUS instance-name] section of the nucleus.ini file. When privilege checking is disabled, all users are connected as the user DBA.


octoinfo [selection] [-l LoopTimeInSeconds] [-nc] [-sb] connection-name database-name user-name[/password]

Possible values for selection:

A or All for all sections (default)
O or Octopus for Octopus section only
N or Node for Node section only
C or Class for Class section only
S or Subclass for Subclass section only
V or Server for Server section only
E or Session for Session section only

If the optional selection argument is not included, this command displays information about the current status of all internal components of the Octopus instance running the specified database on the specified server.

When the -nc option flag is included, OctoInfo will include the full SQL for uncommitted statements in the Session section. By default, OctoInfo only reports the number of uncommitted statements.

When the -sb option flag is included, OctoInfo will include the full SQL for "bound" statements in the Server with Committed Statements section.

The -l option flag can be included to instruct OctoInfo to return information repeatedly at a specified interval expressed in seconds.

Users with DBA privileges or who have been designated as Session Admin will see full information about all sessions; other users will see full information pertaining only to the sessions established under their user name.

For each session, an associated Session ID (Id) is displayed, and each command executed in the context of a particular session is associated with a Command ID (CmdId). These can be specified in the octokill command to terminate a running SQL command or data load.

OctoInfo Display Fields

Octopus Section

Exec Mode Octopus execution mode: Read Only, Public Update, or Private Update
Version Database version used (Time Travel snapshot.sub-version)
Nb_Node Number of nodes defined for this Octopus instance
Nb_Svr Number of OctoEng's running under this Octopus instance
Nb_Sess Number of user sessions connected to this Octopus instance
Nb_Req Number of SQL statements processed by this Octopus instance
Nb_Resche Number of SQL statements promoted between Classes for this Octopus instance
Trace Whether tracing is activated for this Octopus instance (0 = no tracing)

When one or more users are registered as Non-persistent Change Users, the Octopus section also includes the following:

Non-persistent change users Names of users registered as having the ability to make non-persistent changes
Bound user exclusive access timeout Value of the BoundUserExclusiveTimeOut parameter in the nucleus.ini file (idle time after which the server to which the user is bound will become available)


Status Exec Mode Version Nb_Node Nb_Svr Nb_Sess Nb_Req Nb_Resche Trace
NORMAL PUBL UPDATE 10.9 1 6 5 1568 0 0

Node Section

Id Node ID number
ServerName Node name as specified in the nucleus.ini file (preceded by * if hosting an updatable OctoEng)
Port Port number used to connect to Octopus
Nb_Svr Number of OctoEng's running on this Node
Nb_Req Number of requests processed on this Node
Nb_Resche Number of requests promoted between Classes on this Node


Id ServerName Port Status Nb_Svr Nb_Req Nb_Resche
0 *TEST_NT 6500 CONNECT 4 1568 0
1 TEST1_NT 3200 STOP 2 0 0

Class Section

Id Class ID number
ClassName (preceded by * if the updatable Class)
Nb_Svr Number of OctoEng's running in this Class
Nb_Req Number of requests processed in this Class
Nb_Resche Number of requests promoted out of this Class


Id ClassName Nb_Svr Nb_Req Nb_Resche
0 LIGHT 1 479 0
1 HEAVY 4 833 0
2 *UPDATE 1 256 0

SubClass Section

Id Subclass ID number
NodeName Node on which Subclass is running
ClassName Class name of Subclass
Nb_Svr First value: the Number of OctoEng's running in this Class on this Node; second value: the number of OctoEng's specified by the NumberOfEngines parameter for this Subclass in the nucleus.ini file. If the values are the same, the system is working normally; if not, a Node may have failed.
Nb_Req Number of requests processed in this Class on this Node
Nb_Resche Number of requests promoted out of this Subclass


Id NodeName ClassName Nb_Svr Nb_Req Nb_Resche
0 TEST_NT LIGHT 1/1 479 0
1 TEST_NT HEAVY 2/2 833 0
2 TEST1_NT HEAVY 2/2 0 0
3 *TEST_NT UPDATE 1/1 256 0

Server Section

Id OctoEng ID number
NodeName Node on which the OctoEng is running
ClassName Class to which the OctoEng belongs
Version Database version used (Time Travel snapshot.sub-version)
Pid Process ID of the OctoEng process
Cache Amount of cache memory (in MB) allocated to this OctoEng
Port Port used for connecting OctoEng to Octopus
SesId Session ID number of the user session currently connected to the OctoEng
Nb_Req Number of requests processed by this OctoEng


Id NodeName ClassName Status Version Pid Cache Port SesId Nb_Req
0 TEST_NT LIGHT IDLE 10.9 236 16 6502 3 479
1 TEST_NT HEAVY BUSY 10.9 320 16 6503 1 449
2 TEST_NT HEAVY IDLE 10.9 223 16 6504 2 384
5 *TEST_NT UPDATE MASTER 10.9 391 16 6505 256


On Demand Database (ODDB) Server Section

This section contains information about any running ODDB Servers, and is present only when On Demand Database (ODDB) functionality is enabled. The information is presented on three lines:

Line 1: Database name, Share/updatable mode, Database path

Line 2: User name and session ID that are bound to the server

Line 3: Same as for a standard Server section (see above), except that SesID is omitted and a final TimeO entry displays the amount of time (in seconds) that the database server will be kept alive after the last session disconnects (NO indicates that the database is shut down immediately when there are no more active sessions)

Line 4: The ordered list of nodes where Octopus will start the ODDB instances (set via the ODDBPreferredNode parameter)


On Demand Database (ODDB) Server Section:
 Id NodeName        ClassName  Status  Version     Pid Cache  Port Nb_Req TimeO

  2 DBName: oddb4 (Shared/Read-Only) (c:\nuc4trace\db)
  2 Bound Sessions: DBA (2)   
  2 n2alphaxp       V41        IDLE        0.0    4888    64 17001      1    NO
  2 Preferred ODDB node : Xeon6,Xeon12a,Xeon12b


Server with Committed Statements Section

This section is present only when Non-persistent Updates are enabled and one or more users or context IDs is executing an SQL statement on a server to which they are bound. The display includes the Committed Statements for each user session (the session ID appears in square brackets after the user ID). Context ID's are enclosed by parentheses.

Id Server ID number
Bound Users IDs of non-persistent update users or context IDs bound to this server
LastAccess Time of last activity by the user or context ID in any session


Id LastAccess
2 Bound Users: User1


User1[3]'s Committed Work
  SQL>insert into t1 values(22); 10:45:53
  User1[5]'s Committed Work  
  SQL>insert into t1 values(1); 10:45:53


SQL>create table t1 (c1 int); 10:45:53

Session Section

Id Session ID number
CmdId SQL command ID number. The full text of the SQL command is also displayed.
UserId Database User Authorization under which the session was established
ClassName The Class that is executing the SQL command
Nb_Req Number of requests processed for this session
Nb_Fetch Number of rows fetched for this session
Started Time when the session was initiated
SvrId ID number of the OctoEng that is processing the user's request
Status Command status: EXEC, FETCH, or NCOMMIT (not committed).
No value if fetch is complete.


Id CmdId UserId ClassName Nb_Req Nb_Fetch Started SvrId Status
1   DBA LIGHT 27 23092 11:40:10    


1 SQL> select sname from s where sn in (select sn from spj where pn= 'P22222') ;   1  
2   DBA LIGHT 35 28726 11:45:25    


2 SQL==> select sn from s where (select city from s where sn = 'S11111') = city;   2 FETCH
3   DBA HEAVY 30 24298 11:46:04    


3 SQL==> select sname from s where sn in (select sn from spj where pn in (select pn from p where color = 'RED'));   3 EXEC


ODDB PublicDatabases Section

The ODDB PublicDatabases section contains a comma-separated list of databases started on the ODDB Server that have their ODDBPublic flag set to TRUE, meaning they are visible to all users.


ODDB PublicDatabases: v4oddb oddb1 oddb2 oddb3 oddb5

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Using the Octops Program to Determine What Processes are Running on the System
Chapter Index
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Octopus Logging