SAND CDBMS Administration Guide
Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)


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MPP Mode
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Creating Partitioned Tables


Setting Up the MPP Environment

Each remote table partition must have an associated linked table on the head node. When the partitioned table is defined, its remote table partitions are specified by referencing the linked tables. For this reason, the head node's nucleus.ini file must contain a separate CONNECTION section with the host and port information for each remote database in the MPP environment. One or more connection objects will be defined on these nucleus.ini CONNECTION sections using CREATE CONNECTION commands, and these connection objects will in turn be used to define the linked tables through CREATE TABLE...WITH CONNECTION commands.

To summarize the MPP preparatory steps:

  1. Create and optionally load the remote tables that will serve as partitions for the partitioned table on the head node.
  2. Add a CONNECTION section to the head node nucleus.ini file for each database where the remote tables reside.
  3. Using CREATE CONNECTION commands on the head node, define at least one connection object for each remote database.
  4. Using CREATE TABLE...WITH CONNECTION commands on the head node, specifying the connection objects defined in the previous step, create a linked table for each remote table.