SAND CDBMS Error Messages Guide
Client Error Messages


This section lists the error messages that can be returned by SAND CDBMS client software, including the SAND CDBMS Interactive SQL program (nisqlm), the SAND CDBMS Data Loader utility (ndlm), and any graphical user interface (GUI) client application. Each message is accompanied by a description of the circumstances under which the message might be returned, along with some recommended course of action.

08001 Unable to establish connection

The client could not connect to the database server (nserv). View the secondary message for more details:

Connection timed out
A connection could not be established with the database server (nserv) before a user-defined timeout limit was reached.

Could not find configuration file
The client-side nucleus.ini file could not be located. It must reside in the SAND CDBMS SUPPORT directory, as specified in the NUCLEUS environment variable.

Could not find keyword [<keyword>] in configuration settings
The Host and/or Port parameters for the specified CONNECTION could not be found in either the nucleus.ini file or the NUCLEUS environment variable. Ensure that these parameters have been set before attempting to connect again.

Could not find section [<section>] in configuration file
The specified CONNECTION does not have a corresponding section in the client-side nucleus.ini file. Make sure the same connection information used to start the database server program (nserv) is contained in the client-side nucleus.ini file.

Could not open configuration file
The client program could not open the client-side nucleus.ini file for reading. Ensure that the client user has the required access permissions, and that no other program has an exclusive lock on the nucleus.ini file.

Could not reach host: '<host-name>'
This message is returned if the database server (nserv) host cannot be reached. Ensure that the server machine is running and is connected to the network, and that its IP address, as well as the network routes between the server and the client computer, are valid.

Could not reach server at '<host-name>' : <port>
The client could not reach the server through the specified port and timed out after the default 120 seconds. Make sure that the correct Port value is specified for the CONNECTION in the client-side nucleus.ini file, and that the database server program (nserv) is running and accepting connections on that port.

Could not resolve host name: '<host-name>'
The Host specified by the CONNECTION was not found on the network. Typically, this error is caused by a misspelled host name in the client-side nucleus.ini file. Verify that the appropriate Host parameter value is correct.

Invalid connection information
An unexpected error involving the connection information has occurred. Please contact a SAND support representative for assistance.

Invalid connection information: connection name missing
The connection name was not supplied with the connection request. Ensure that the ODBC connection string contains "CONNECTION=<connection-name>", where connection-name is the CONNECTION used to start the database server program (nserv).

Invalid connection information: database name missing
The database name was not supplied with the connection request. Ensure that the ODBC connection string contains "DATABASE=<database-name>", where database-name is the database started with the database server program (nserv)..

Invalid connection information: server host name missing
The Host parameter for the specified CONNECTION is either missing from the client-side nucleus.ini file or empty. This parameter must be defined, and must indicate the machine where the database server program (nserv) is running.

Invalid connection information: server port missing
The Port parameter for the specified CONNECTION is either missing from the client-side nucleus.ini file or empty. This parameter must be defined, and must indicate the port number on which the database server program (nserv) is accepting connections.

Invalid connection information: user name missing
The client attempted to connect to the database server program (nserv) without specifying a user name.

Invalid value in configuration settings: <keyword>
The indicated parameter specifies an inappropriate value (for example, a character string instead of a number) in either the NUCLEUS environment variable or the nucleus.ini file.

Network error
A network subsystem problem is preventing the client from establishing a connection with the database server program (nserv). Contact your network administrator for assistance.

Network is down
The client computer is not connected to the network, or the client computer network settings are not configured properly.

Operation was cancelled
The user cancelled the connection request.

Syntax error in configuration settings
Invalid syntax was found in the nucleus.ini file or NUCLEUS environment variable. Verify the correctness of the configuration settings before attempting to connect again. Make sure that each parameter value contained in quotes has both starting and closing quotation marks.

08003 Connection is closed.

This message is displayed if the client sends requests to the server after the client has been disconnected (see error 08S01 below). A new connection will have to be establish with the server.

08004 Server refused connection
The client’s connection request was received by the database server program (nserv), but refused. View the secondary message for more details:

Database is locked by <user-name>@<host-name>
This message appears when the client attempts to connect to a database that another user has locked in exclusive mode via the SET TRANSACTION...ISOLATION LEVEL EXCLUSIVE [IMMEDIATE] command.

Maximum number of sessions reached
This message appears when the client attempts to connect to the database server program (nserv) after the maximum number of client connections has been reached. Try connecting to the server at a later time or during off-peak hours. The database administrator can also increase the maximum number of concurrent client connections by changing the MaxUsers parameter in the CONNECTION section of the server side nucleus.ini configuration file.

Verify user name and password
Either the client attempted to connect to the database server program (nserv) using an invalid user authorization name and/or password, or else the connection name specified in the connection request did not match the one used to start the database server. The second case occurs only when the connection name invoked by the client is defined in the client-side nucleus.ini file with the same host name and port used by the database server. If necessary, edit the nucleus.ini file so that the connection name corresponds to the one used to start the database instance.

08007 Connection terminated: database in exclusive mode

The client connection was closed after the database was locked in exclusive mode through another user's execution of the SET TRANSACTION...ISOLATION LEVEL EXCLUSIVE [IMMEDIATE] command. A connection cannot be reestablished until the database is unlocked.

08S00 Communication version mismatch
This message is returned when the client program attempts to establish a connection with an incompatible version of the database server program (nserv). Ensure that the client program is compatible with nserv before re-attempting a connection. You may be required to upgrade or reinstall your SAND CDBMS software.

08S01 Communication media error. Link severed
This error is returned when the database server program (nserv) shuts down while the client is still connected. Any uncommitted database changes made through the client will be rolled back. You will have to wait until the database server is restarted before attempting to establish a new connection.

08S02 Communication packet too large
The amount of data that the database server program (nserv) is attempting to send the client is too large for the nserv send buffer. This might occur if the server was sent a query expression that joins many long-named columns or a number of BLOB columns. If possible, simplify the query, or utilize views that deal with a subset of the columns.

37000 Escape error
The client program has supplied an invalid escape code or escape code value. Note that the escape codes supported by the Nucleus ODBC Driver are the following:


37000 Parser error
The client program has supplied a character string or identifier that is missing a closing quotation mark.

HY000 General error
Many different error conditions can produce this message. View the supplemental message for additional information about the source of the error.

HY001 Memory allocation error
There is insufficient memory available on the client-side machine. Free up some memory by terminating other programs, and then execute the last command again.

HY008 Octopus Error: An administrator terminated this database instance. (ODDB)
The Octopus On-Demand Database (ODDB) instance to which the client was connected has been manually shut down by an administrator. If the ODDB instance was started in Update mode, any uncommitted database changes made through the client will be rolled back.

HY018 Server refused cancel
This message is returned when the client attempts to cancel a Data Definition Language (DDL) command. Only non-DDL SQL commands can be cancelled.

Q0100 Octopus Error
The client’s connection request was received by the Octopus server, but refused. View the secondary message for more details:

No SubClass currently active to start the requested database. (ODDB)
No ODDB-enabled Subclass residing on a remote node could be used to start the ODDB instance. Some of the possible causes of this error are:

On-demand database runmode does not support client versions earlier than 4.1. Update client.
The Octopus On-Demand Database (ODDB) functionality is incompatible with SAND client software versions earlier than 4.1. Upgrading the client program to version 4.1 or later should remove this error condition.

The requested database (ODDB) could not be started. See the server log file for more details.
The specified ODDB instance failed to start. The cause of this failure can be determined by viewing the most recent entries in the Octopus log file (by default, the log file is named database-name.otl and is located in the directory specified by the DatabasePath parameter).

The requested database (ODDB) was not found on the server.
The database file(s) associated with the specified ODDB instance could not be opened by Octopus. Before attempting to start the ODDB instance again, ensure that the database files exist and are not locked by another process, and that Octopus has read access to the files.

This connection is already assigned to a Context.
A non-persistent change context was previously associated with the current connection (through the ALTER SESSION SET CONTEXT command), allowing the connection to perform non-persistent updates. The same connection cannot have a second non-persistent change context associated with it.

Q0200 Shutdown already in progress
A second SHUTDOWN command was sent to the database server program (nserv), for example, after a SHUTDOWN DEFERRED statement had already been issued. The server will continue to process the original SHUTDOWN instruction, and will return this error for all subsequent SHUTDOWN commands.

Q0301 Server error: Memory allocation
The database server program (nserv) has run out of memory and cannot process the last client request. All future client requests will generate this message as well, until sufficient memory is freed up on the server machine.

Q0302 Server error: Maximum number of queries already allocated for user
This message is returned when the current user has reached the maximum number of concurrent queries allowed by the connection (by default, 128) and then attempts to execute one more. If required, increase the maximum number of queries by changing the MaxQueries setting for the connection in the server-side nucleus.ini file.