SAND CDBMS Error Messages Guide
SAND Enterprise Manager Error Messages and Warnings


This document lists the error and warning messages that may be displayed by SAND Enterprise Manager (SEM). The diagnostic messages are divided into three categories:

If the diagnostic message begins with the word internal, the problem is caused by an internal failure. In this case, SEM should be restarted and the operation attempted again. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative.


Client-Side Errors

60101 Connection refused, could not connect to host x, on port y. Please verify that the SAND Enterprise Service is started and listening on the correct port
A connection with the host computer running the SAND Enterprise Service could not be established. Either the specified host name or port number is incorrect, or the IP address cannot be resolved. Ensure that the host name and IP address of the server are entered into the HOSTS file on your workstation, or the DNS of your network server. Ensure also that the port on which the SAND Enterprise Service is listening matches the port specified in the connection request.

For tips on how to deal with this problem, consult the Troubleshooting Connection Problems section of the SAND Enterprise Manager Help.

60102 Connection refused, for user x. Invalid user name or password
Returned when the user name/password combination used to connect to the SAND Enterprise Service is invalid. It must be a valid account in the domain where SAND Enterprise Manager is installed. Initially, this is set to the user name/password specified during the SAND CDBMS installation process, but it may be changed subsequently through SEM. Ensure that the user name or password has not been misspelled. Note that the password is case sensitive.

60103 Operation x failed, the connection to SAND Enterprise Service has been lost
Returned when an SEM operation is attempted while not connected to the SAND Enterprise Service. Establish a connection with the SAND Enterprise Service, and then attempt the operation again.

60104 The version of the client is not compatible with that of the server
Ensure that the SEM application has the same version number as the SAND Enterprise Service (SES) with which it is attempting to establish a connection. For example, SEM release 2 cannot connect to SES release 3; conversely, SEM release 3 cannot connect to SES release 2.


Server-Side Errors

8100 Success
The operation completed successfully. This message is not displayed by SAND Enterprise Manager.

8108 Unable to read configuration from the x database
Returned when the database on the host machine could not be read by the SAND Database Configuration utility (nconfig). This may occur if the database file access permissions have been accidentally changed, denying read access to the user specified in connecting to the SAND Enterprise Service.

8109 Unable to write configuration to the x database
Returned when a modified drive or temporary file configuration could not be written to the database on the host machine. This may occur if an instance of the database was started by a separate database server (nserv) process, in which case the modified configuration cannot be written until the database instance is shut down. This error can also be returned if the database file was renamed or removed from its expected directory location.

8110 Unable to open x for reading
The database file could not be opened for reading because the specified database file or path does not exist, the file path is a directory, or there are no more file handles available from the host machine operating system (that is, too many files have been opened by a process controlled by the SAND Enterprise Service). Ensure that the file name and path are correct, and that the number of files opened does not exceed the maximum allowed by the operating system.

8111 Unable to open x for writing
The database file could not be opened for writing because the specified database file or path does not exist, the file path is a directory, the database file is read-only, or there are no more file handles available from the host machine operating system (that is, too many files have been opened by a process controlled by the SAND Enterprise Service). Ensure that the file name and path are correct, the database file is not read-only, and that the number of files opened does not exceed the maximum allowed by the operating system.

8112 Unable to lock x
This message is returned when an exclusive lock could not be obtained for the database file. This error may be caused by one the following conditions:

Ensure that no other process is using the database file, and then attempt the operation again. If the database file was not properly unlocked by another process on a Windows platform, the file will automatically be unlocked by the operating system after a set timeout period; wait briefly before attempting the operation again. If the problem persists, consult the host machine or network administrator for help.

8113 Error reading x
Returned when the database file could not be read. This may be caused by one of the following conditions:

Ensure that no other process is using the database file before attempting the operation again. If the problem persists, consult the host machine or network administrator.

8114 Error writing x
Returned when the database file could not be written. This error may be caused by one the following conditions:

Before attempting the operation again, ensure that there is enough disk space to write the database file, and that the user specified during SEM login has a disk block quota on the host machine sufficient for writing the file. Ensure, as well, that no other process is using the database file. If the problem persists, consult the host machine or network administrator.

8120 Unable to create a second drive on the path x. You are not permitted to create more than one drive on the same path
Returned when attempting to add a data drive location that matches one already defined for the database. Each data drive directory path (where SAND database files are stored) must be unique.

8121 Unable to change the drive path. This drive contains one or more active files
A data drive path cannot be altered through SEM if the drive contains at least one database file. A way around this restriction is to move the database file(s) to the intended directory before using SEM to change the drive path.

8122 Unable to create an additional drive. The maximum number of drives for one database is 32
Returned when attempting to add a data drive for the database when the number of drives already configured for the database is 32. SAND CDBMS supports a maximum of 32 directory paths where database files can be stored.

8123 internal : attempt access to config without opening
An attempt was made to create a new database, set the temporary file location and size, add or modify a data drive, or save a database configuration without first opening the SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig).

8124 internal : wrong drive number x
An operation was attempted involving a data drive with an index number less than zero or greater than the total number of data drives - 1.

8129 Seed database file ndb.n00 is a Nucleus system file and can not be used as a database. Select a different database name
Returned when attempting to create a new database through SEM with the same name and file path as the SAND seed database. The SAND seed database cannot be used as a regular database.

8130 The server could not obtain an exclusive lock on this resource. The resource is already locked
Returned when attempting to lock a resource (for example, a database) that is already locked. Ensure that no other process is using the resource, and attempt the operation again. On the Windows platform, if another process had recently locked the resource but did not properly unlock it, the operating system will automatically remove the lock after a set timeout period.

8131 Unable to create database. The name you specified is already in use. Please specify a different name for your database
Returned when attempting to add a new or existing SAND database with the same name as one already registered with the SEM system. Each database registered with SEM must have a unique name.

8132 internal : distributed communication problem
A Persistent Mode operation was attempted, but could not be completed successfully because of a remote access problem.

8133 internal : get distributed interface problem
An internal error has occurred. If this problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8134 internal : wrong drive handle
An incorrect data drive index number was referenced by an operation. If this problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8135 Unable to rename the database. You are not permitted to change the name of a database
An attempt was made to rename the database registered with the SEM system. A database name cannot be altered. On the other hand, database instance names (apart from that of the primary instance) can be changed.

8136 Unable to move the database. You are not permitted to change the path of a database
An attempt was made to change the database path (that is, the first drive in the Drives List of the Drive Configuration dialog box, where the primary database file resides). The database path cannot be altered through SEM.

8137 Unable to delete instance. You are not permitted to delete the master instance
An attempt was made to delete the master database instance (the instance with the same name as the core database). The master instance cannot be removed from the SEM system navigation tree.

8138 Unable to lock resource. The resource is unavailable
One user has started a database instance at the same time another user was attempting to change the database settings. The instance will have to be shut down in order to alter the database settings.

8139 Unable to create or update the database. No database name was specified
A new database cannot be created without a name. An existing database cannot have its name removed.

8140 Unable to create or update the database. Database names must not contain spaces
Returned when attempting to add a database instance whose name contains a blank space. An instance name cannot contain any blank spaces.

8141 Unable to read flat file. Requested line numbers must occur in ascending order
An internal error occurred while reading from a text file: a line of text was read out of sequence. Attempt the SEM operation again.

8142 Unable to read flat file. The system will not retrieve data at line numbers greater than x
SEM attempted to read from a text file that has more than 10,000 lines. The maximum number of text lines that SEM can read is 10,000.

8143 File x not found
SEM could not find a text file required for an operation. Ensure that the text files used by SEM have not been moved or renamed.

8144 This kind of database does not support the Persistent Mode
A database instance cannot be set to run in Persistent Mode if other instances of the same database are set to run in either Real or Virtual Mode. Ensure that all instances of the database are set to run in Persistent Mode.

8146 The operation you requested cannot be completed. The Client is no longer registered with the system. This usually occurs as a result of a network problem
This warning is typically returned if SEM’s IP address has changed due to reassignment by DHCP. Subsequently, when SEM requests a resource (for example, a database), the SAND Enterprise Service cannot perform the operation because it is unable to resolve the host name of the client (SEM).

For tips on how to deal with this problem, consult the Troubleshooting Connection Problems section of the SAND Enterprise Manager Help.

8147 The operation you requested cannot be completed. The specified parameters do not satisfy security restrictions
While attempting to log in to the SEM system, at least of one of the following conditions holds true:

Ensure the validity of the login parameters, and then attempt the connection again.

8149 Unable to start an agent process to perform the operation requested
An agent process could not be started by the SAND Enterprise Service. Attempt the operation again. If this problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8150 Unable to perform the KEEP CHANGE operation. This operation may only be performed on the master instance, when running in Virtual Mode
A KEEP CHANGE operation was attempted with a non-master instance, or with a master instance not running in Virtual Mode. Before attempting the operation, ensure that the instance started has the same name as the database, and that in the Start-up settings dialog box the Start server in Virtual Mode option is checked.

8151 Unable to perform the APPLY CHANGE operation. This operation may only be performed on the master instance, when running in Virtual Mode
An APPLY CHANGE operation was attempted with a non-master instance, or with a master instance not running in Virtual Mode. Before attempting the operation, ensure that the instance started has the same name as the database, and that in the Start-up settings dialog box the Start server in Virtual Mode option is checked.

8152 Unable to compact the database. This operation may only be performed on the master instance
Returned when a compact database operation is attempted on a Virtual Mode non-master instance, or on a Persistent Mode instance. When compacting a database through SEM, the operation must be applied against a Real Mode database instance or a Virtual Mode master instance.

8153 Unable to perform the APPLY CHANGE operation. This operation cannot be performed in Persistent Mode
An APPLY CHANGE operation cannot be performed in Persistent Mode. Before attempting the operation, ensure that the running instance has the same name as the database, and that in the Start-up settings dialog box the Start server in Virtual Mode option is checked.

8154 Unable to perform the APPLY CHANGE operation. Update file not found
An APPLY CHANGE operation could not performed. Ensure that the Update File exists and is in the file path specified, then attempt the operation again.

8155 Unable to start the master instance. You must perform an APPLY CHANGE operation to start the master instance
A pending APPLY CHANGE operation is expected, but no Update File name has been supplied as a parameter. In order to start the master instance, an APPLY CHANGE operation must be performed.

8156 The instance must be started to perform this operation
Returned when SEM attempts to shut down or kill a database instance that is not running, or when attempting to kill all client sessions for an instance that is not running. This message is also returned when a KEEP CHANGE operation is attempted for a database instance that is not running.

8157 The instance must be stopped to perform this operation
Returned when attempting a compact database operation on a running instance. Shut down the database instance before attempting this operation again.

8158 Unable to perform the requested operation. An NISQLM operation is already in progress
Returned when attempting one of the following operations on a running database instance that is currently serving a client (nisqlm) request:

The operation can only be performed when the running instance is not serving a client request.

8159 Unable to perform the requested operation. An NCOMPACT operation is already in progress
Returned when attempting to perform a compact database operation when the database is already in the process of being compacted. The second compact operation is unnecessary.

8160 Unable to retrieve account information. The specified account does not exist
Returned when a nonexistent account type is encountered by the SES Account Manager. The account must be either an administrator (SEM login) account or a server (built-in) account. Attempt the operation again. If this message persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8162 Unable to update the master instance. You are not permitted to change the name of the master instance
Returned when attempting to rename the database master instance. The master instance must have the same name as the core database; this name cannot be altered.

8164 Agent not attached; error x
The SAND Enterprise Service could not communicate with an Agent process. See the exception message (x) for further details.

8165 Unable to connect to SAND Enterprise Service: x
SEM could not connect to the SAND Enterprise Service. See the exception message (x) for further details.

8166 Unable to attach agent to SAND Enterprise Service
The SAND Enterprise Service could not communicate with an Agent process. Attempt the operation again. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative.

8167 Exception occurred: x
This general error message is returned in a variety of different circumstances. See the exception message (x) for further details.

8168 Unable to read DEBUG INI file x; read error y
Returned when the SAND Enterprise Service debug file (debug.ini) could not be read. See the exception message (y) for further details.

8169 Unable to read SAND Enterprise Service INI file x; error y
Returned when the SAND Enterprise Service configuration file (nes.ini) could not be read. See the exception message (y) for further details.

8171 Unable to access the operating system environment variables
The operating system variables could not be read. Consult the system administrator for help with troubleshooting this problem.

8172 Unable to initialize; error :x
The SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig) could not be initialized. See the exception message (x) for further details.

8173 internal : Unable to create "Process Listener", error :x
Returned when a process listener could not be created for nconfig, nisqlm, ndlm, ndbchk, or a Persistent Mode database instance. See the exception message (x) for further details.

8174 Unable to perform unlock. The resource is not locked
Returned when attempting to unlock a resource (for example, a database) that was not locked previously.

8175 internal : Unknown Database type
A new database instance is not identified as a Real, Virtual, or Persistent Mode database. The database must be one of these types. If this problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8176 Unable to lock. File x is already locked
A remote file could not be locked because it is already locked. This situation may be caused by one of the following conditions:

Ensure that no other process is using the file, and then attempt the operation again. If the file was not properly unlocked by another process on a Windows platform, the file will automatically be unlocked by the operating system after a set timeout period; wait briefly before attempting the operation again. If the problem persists, consult the host machine or network administrator for help.

8177 Unable to start the process. Unsupported type of process
Returned when the SAND Enterprise Service attempts to start an application other than one of the following:

This message is also returned when the SAND Enterprise Service attempts to set the NUCLEUS environment variable parameter DBPATH for an operating system other than those that are supported. Refer to the readme(.txt) file that came with SAND CDBMS for a list of supported operating systems.

8178 internal : Unable to perform the operation. The operation is not implemented under current Operating System
Returned when an operation is attempted within an unsupported operating system. Refer to the readme(.txt) file that came with SAND CDBMS for a list of supported operating systems.

8179 Unable to read subprocess STDOUT
An internal error occurred. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8180 Unable to close subprocess STDOUT
An internal error occurred. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8181 Unable to read subprocess STDERR
An internal error occurred. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8182 Unable to close subprocess STDERR
An internal error occurred. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8183 Unable to create command line arguments to start an agent
An agent process could not be initialized. Attempt the operation again. If necessary, shut down, and then restart SEM.

8184 Unable to start NSERV for x database y
The database instance (x) could not be started. See the exception message (y) for further details.

8188 The server could not free an exclusive lock on this resource. Access to this resource is denied
Returned when one client attempts to unlock a resource (for example, a database) that another client has locked. Attempt the operation again. If necessary, restart the client application. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8189 Unable to communicate with the agent x
The SAND Enterprise Service could not communicate with an agent process. Attempt the operation again. The SAND Enterprise Service will spawn a new agent process for the operation.

8191 File x section y property z was not found
In the SAND Enterprise Service configuration file (nes.ini), a required parameter is missing or does not have an appropriate value. The nes.ini file is written automatically, and should not be edited manually. To restore a backup of the nes.ini file:

  1. Browse to the directory where the nes.ini file is located (in the subdirectory \Enterprise\Service of the the SAND CDBMS Support directory).
  2. Rename nes.ini to something else (for example, nes.ini.bak).
  3. Rename the backup file nes.~ni to nes.ini.
  4. Restart SEM.
Note: If the nes.~ni file contains the same problematic parameter, the nes.ini file will have to be edited manually. Contact a SAND support representative for further information.

8192 x property was not found. Add the property to nes(.exe) command line, example: -Jnes_dir=d:\nes_dir\
A configuration parameter for the SAND Enterprise Service is missing. This might occur if the /sbin/init.d/nesd file is modified under UNIX, or the SAND Enterprise Service registry entry is modified in Windows. This can be corrected by uninstalling the SAND Enterprise Service, and then reinstalling it from the SAND CDBMS CD, configuring it to start automatically as a UNIX daemon or a Windows service.

The SAND Enterprise Service executable can also be started manually, using the following syntax:

nes [options][<-J>JavaVMArg1 <-J>JavaVMArg2...] [-classpath "ClassPath1;ClassPath2;...]"

Options and Arguments:

-?  prints the help screen.
-c  runs NES as a console application for debugging.
-i  (Windows only) installs the SAND Enterprise Service service.
-J  specifies arguments to be passed to the Java Virtual Machine only.
-n  (UNIX only) runs in ‘normal’ mode; the process does not initialize itself as a daemon.

-r  (Windows only) removes the SAND Enterprise Service service.
-classpath  precedes a list of directory paths, delimited by colons ( : ), that will be appended to the system classpath.


nes -c
    -classpath ".:/nes_dir:/usr/java/lib/"

The above invocation starts the SAND Enterprise Service as a console application, supplies the -J prefixed arguments to the Java Virtual Machine, specifies the directory path /usr/sand/nes as the location of the nes.ini file, and adds several parameters to the system classpath.

nes -i
    -classpath ".;e:\nes_dir\;"

The above installs the SAND Enterprise Service as a service, specifies the directory path e:\nes_dir\ as the location of the nes.ini file, supplies the -J prefixed args to the Java Virtual Machine at service start time, and adds parameters to the system classpath.

8193 Unable to perform operation. The temporary drive size must be less than x MB
This message is returned if a temporary file size is set to less than 0 MB or more than x MB (the maximum permitted for the operating system). This situation should never occur, since SEM restricts the possible values that can be selected for the temporary file size.

8194 Unable to perform operation. The maximum drive size must be less than x MB
This message is returned if a data drive is set to less than 0 MB or more than x MB (the maximum permitted for the operating system). This situation should never occur, since SEM restricts the possible values that can be selected for the data drive size.

8195 Unable to disconnect. There is no connection
Returned when SEM attempts to disconnect from the SAND Enterprise Service when there no connection. This situation might occur if the nesd daemon is halted while SEM is still connected to it, or if there is a network problem that severs the connection prematurely.

8196 Unable to perform operation. Path for temporary file is incorrect. x
Returned on a Windows platform if the SAND Enterprise Service could not convert a long temporary file path (one that contains spaces and/or whose individual folder names are more than 8 characters in length) to a short path (one that satisfies the old DOS “8.3” naming convention), or a short temporary file path to a long one. This problem might be caused by the operating system under which the SAND Enterprise Service is running. Attempt the operation again. If the problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8197 Unable to perform operation. Database name syntax is incorrect
Returned when the name of a new database violates the naming rules of the host operating system. Ensure that the database name does not contain any of the following characters:

Windows: \ ? | > < : / * " =

UNIX: \ | ( ) > < / " ` & (space character)

8198 Unable to perform operation. Instance name syntax is incorrect
Returned when the name of a new database instance violates the naming rules of the host operating system. Ensure that the instance name does not contain any of the following characters:

Windows: \ ? | > < : / * " =

UNIX: \ | ( ) > < / " ` & (space character)

8199 Unable to perform operation. The Port Number must be greater than 6000 and not exceed 64000
Returned when attempting to create a new database instance, or modify an existing one, with a port number set to less than 6,001 or greater than 64,000. The valid port range is between 6,001 and 64,000 inclusive.

8200 Unable to create database. The cache size must be greater than 16 MB
Returned when attempting to create a new database instance, or modify an existing one, with a cache size set to less than 16 MB. The minimum cache size is 16 MB.

8201 Unable to find update file.
A required Update File could not be found in the primary database directory. Ensure that the Update File exists and is located in the expected location. The Update File has the following name format:


where xx is the checkpoint number of the database to which the changes will be applied.

8202 Unable to create database. Absolute path is required
In the New Database dialog box, the Location field contains a relative path or a period (.). An absolute path is required for the database location. Click the Browse... button to browse for and select an existing location.

8204 Unable to close NCONFIG for database x
This message is returned when the SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig) could not be shut down normally or through attempting to kill the process. Consult the server system administrator for help with terminating the nconfig process.

8205 NCONFIG encountered an error while processing database x : y
This message is returned when a general SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig) error occurs while attempting to write a database, save temporary drive settings, or add/modify a data drive through SEM. View the message returned from nconfig (y) for an indication of what caused the error.

8206 Unable limit maximum drive size to n records ( x MB). This drive already contains an existing file of y records (z MB)
Returned when attempting to reduce the size of an existing data drive such that it would be smaller than the database file it currently stores. The new drive size must be greater than or equal to the size of the existing database file on that drive.

8207 Invalid temporary drive path x, path does not exist
In the Drive Configuration dialog box for the database, the Temporary file(s) field points to a nonexistent directory. Ensure that the path in this field actually exists. Click the Browse... button to browse for and select an existing location. To specify the current (execution) directory, simply enter a period (.).

8208 Invalid drive path x, path does not exist
Returned when adding or modifying a data drive with a nonexistent path. Ensure that the path specified for the data drive exists; SAND CDBMS will not create the data drive path. Click the Browse... button to browse for and select an existing location.

8209 Unable to set the drive size to n records (x MB). The total database size is limited to y records (z MB)
An attempt was made to define a data drive whose file size exceeds the maximum permitted by SAND CDBMS. Redefine the data drive with a file size less than or equal to y records (z MB).

8210 Unable to start an agent for x user account
An agent process could not be started by the SAND Enterprise Service. Attempt the operation again. If this problem persists, contact a SAND support representative for help.

8211 Unable to create database. The path x does not exist
In the New Database dialog box, the path in the Location field points to a nonexistent directory. Ensure that an absolute path is entered in this field, and that the path actually exists. Click the Browse... button to browse for and select an existing location.

8212 Unable to perform operation. Temporary file path is empty
In the Drive Configuration dialog box for the database, the Temporary file(s) setting has been left blank. The location for the temporary files must be defined. It can be an absolute path, or a period (.), representing the current (execution) directory. Click the Browse... button to browse for and select an existing location.

8213 Unable to create database. The connection name you specified is already in use. Please specify a different connection name
Returned when attempting to create a new database or database instance that uses the same defined connection as another instance. Each available connection name specifies at least a host name and port number for the connection; The port number, and therefore the connection, can be used by only one database instance. Select a different connection name for the new database (instance). If necessary, define a new connection that specifies an unused port number.

8214 Unable to perform operation. Database user name is not provided
Returned when a database user name is not supplied for a requested SHUTDOWN...KEEP CHANGE operation. This command requires DBA privileges, so the user is prompted for an authorization name (and password, if necessary) with such privileges. Ensure that a user name is entered in the dialog box before clicking OK.

8215 Unable to perform operation. Octopus should not be running.
An internal error occurred: SEM/SES attempted to start an Octopus database that is already running.

8216 Unable to perform operation. Octopus should be running.
An internal error occurred: SEM/SES attempted to shut down an Octopus database that is not running.

8217 Unable to perform operation. Process should not be running.
An internal error occurred: SEM/SES attempted to start a process (for example, nserv) that is already running.

8218 Unable to start the process. x. y
Returned when SAND Enterprise Manager fails to start a process. The process invocation string (x) is returned with the error message, and a supplemental exception message (y) is provided to help determine the cause of the error.

8219 Unable to perform operation. Process should be running.
An internal error occurred: SEM/SES attempted to terminate a process (for example, nserv) that was not running.

8220 Unable to kill the process. x
Returned when SEM/SES attempts but fails to terminate a process (for example, nserv). A supplemental message (x) indicates the cause of the error.

8221 Unable to start instance in Real mode.
An internal error occurred: SEM/SES attempted to start a Real Mode instance of a Persistent Mode database.

8222 Unable to COMPACT database, operation not allowed in Persistent mode.
Returned when attempting to compact the database while at least one instance of the database is running in Persistent Mode. Shut down all running instances before re-attempting the compact operation.

8223 Unable to perform KEEP CHANGE.
An internal error has occurred: SEM/SES attempted a KEEP CHANGE operation on a Virtual Mode instance of a Persistent Mode database.

8224 Unable to create instance. The name you specified is already in use. Please specify a different name for your instance
Returned when attempting to create a new instance with a name that matches one already defined for the database. Each database instance must have a unique name.

8225 Unable to change instance. The name you specified is already in use. Please specify a different name for your instance
Returned when attempting to change the name of an instance to one that is already in use by another instance of the database. Each database instance must have a unique name.

8226 Unable to read Time Travel file x; error y.
Returned when a Persistent Mode Update File could not be read by SAND Enterprise Manager. The name of the file (x) is returned along with the error message. As well, supplemental exception information (y) is provided to help determine the cause of the error.

8227 Unable to write Time Travel file x; error y.
Returned when a Persistent Mode Update File could not be created or altered by SAND Enterprise Manager. The name of the file (x) is returned along with the error message. As well, supplemental exception information (y) is provided to help determine the cause of the error.

8229 File x section y property z is invalid
Returned when a section (y) in the nes.ini file contains an invalid or missing property (z). Contact a SAND support representative for assistance in manually adding/correcting the required information in the nes.ini file.

SEM Warning Messages

8301 internal : Unable to remove DatabaseListener. The listener did not belong to the Client who started the operation
Returned when attempting to remove the wrong DatabaseListener object.

8302 internal : Unable to remove LoaderListener. The listener did not belong to the Client who started the operation
Returned when attempting to remove the wrong LoaderListener object.

8303 internal : Unable to delete a client instance from the clients list. The client "x" has not been found
Returned when attempting to remove a client object that does not exist from the clients list.

8304 Unable to send to client "x" an event. y
This warning is typically returned if SEM’s IP address has changed due to reassignment by DHCP. The completion of an operation by the SAND Enterprise Service cannot be viewed through SEM because the event message sent by the SAND Enterprise Service never reaches SEM.

For tips on how to deal with this problem, consult the Troubleshooting Connection Problems section of the SAND Enterprise Manager Help.

8307 internal : Unknown kind of event
An unknown event type was returned by either the database or loader event queue.

8308 In database x property cacheMin > cache. This is an error condition
Returned when the minimum cache size value defined for a database instance is greater than the actual cache size. This setting is stored in the nes.ini file and is used by the SAND Enterprise Service. The cacheMin parameter is maintained automatically, so it should never have to be altered manually. However, if this error is returned, the cacheMin value will have to be adjusted.

To change the cacheMin value:

  1. Shut down both SEM and the SAND Enterprise Service process.
  2. Open the nes.ini file in a text editor.
  3. Find the cacheMin parameter for the appropriate database instance, and change the numeric value to 16.
  4. Restart the SAND Enterprise Service process.

8309 In database x property cacheMax < cache. This is an error condition
Returned when the maximum cache size value defined for a database instance is less than the actual cache size. This setting is stored in the nes.ini file and is used by the SAND Enterprise Service. The cacheMax parameter is maintained automatically, so it should never have to be altered manually. However, if this error is returned, the cacheMax value will have to be adjusted.

To change the cacheMax value:

  1. Shut down both SEM and the SAND Enterprise Service process.
  2. Open the nes.ini file in a text editor.
  3. Find the cacheMax parameter for the appropriate database instance, and change the numeric value to 1024.
  4. Restart the SAND Enterprise Service process.

8310 Process is already running. Unable to launch a second process
Returned when attempting to start a SAND CDBMS program (nserv, nconfig, nisqlm, ndbchk, or another application) that has already been started. In this case, a warning is displayed (this message), and SEM uses the process that was started previously.

8311 internal : There are still events in a event queue
Returned when attempting to destroy the process event queue while there is still at least one event remaining in the queue.

8312 internal : There is no ServerListener in connect method arguments
Returned when attempting to add a client to the clients list when there is no server listener object instantiated.

8313 internal : a second attempt has been made to bind to remote registry
Returned when attempting to bind the same object to the RMI registry a second time.

8314 Unable to back up nucleus.ini file. x
This warning is returned when SEM could not create a backup copy of the nucleus.ini file. The backup file has the name nucleus.~ni and is written to the same directory as the nucleus.ini file. This problem might occur if there is already a nucleus.~ni file in the target directory that is locked by another process, or if the user does not have the appropriate access permissions on either the file or the directory where the file is written. Ensure that a preexisting nucleus.~ni file is not being used by another process. If necessary, have the system administrator grant the appropriate access permissions on the nucleus.~ni file or the directory where it is stored.

8315 Unable to back up nes.ini file. x
This warning is returned when SEM could not create a backup copy of the nes.ini file. The backup file has the name nes.~ni and is written to the same directory as the nes.ini file. This problem might occur if there is already a nes.~ni file in the target directory that is locked by another process, or if the user does not have the appropriate access permissions on either the file or the directory where the file is written. Ensure that a preexisting nes.~ni file is not being used by another process. If necessary, have the system administrator grant the appropriate access permissions on the nes.~ni file or the directory where it is stored.

8316 The server could not free an exclusive lock on this resource. The resource has not been locked
Returned when attempting to unlock a client or SEM database view that is not locked.

8318 internal : Attempt to open Nconfig while already open
SEM attempted to start the SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig) a second time. In this case, a warning is displayed (this message), and SEM uses the nconfig process that was started previously.

8319 The path for drive x was set to the location of an existing drive
Returned when attempting to add a data drive that matches one already defined for the database. The same data drive need be defined only once for a database.

8320 NCONFIG failed to exit correctly and was terminated
The SAND Database Configuration tool (nconfig) could not be closed properly, so the nconfig process was killed. This should not adversely affect any existing database file.

8321 The server could not free an exclusive lock on this resource. The resource has not been locked.
An operating system error has occurred: SEM/SES could not free an exclusive lock that was set on a required resource (for example, the in-memory version of the nucleus.ini file). As a consequence, the attempted operation was cancelled. Attempt the operation again.

8322 No lease to renew.
This warning is sometimes returned when the client has been inactive for a lengthy period of time. The client will be required to log back into the system.

8323 Key x is undefined
An internal error has occurred. Attempt the operation again. If the error persists, contact a SAND support representative for assistance.